May 2010 meetings discussed “Judiciary/amendments in the structure and functions of the Court of Constitution” and it was intended to discuss the practical effects of Constitutional amendments.
May 2010 meetings discussed “Judiciary/amendments in the structure and functions of the Court of Constitution” and it was intended to discuss the practical effects of Constitutional amendments. However most of the participators expressed their general view on the Constitution, what kind of Constitution they wanted, hence a common denominator on the above could not be generated. According to the statement made by TsNA kitchen, the only common denominator of the last two months’ meetings (April and May) is that all social sections have complaints about 1982 Constitution and they want a total change leading to a democratic, pluralist and civilian Constitution. Small National Assemblies of Turkey will carry on discussing the reform pack until the referendum and then “Civilian Constitution.”
An evaluation of the minutes of TsNA May 2010 Forum Meetings (in Turkish)